Sunday, April 29, 2012

Greenhouse owner rents plots for gardens

  A little over a century after being built, the oldest surviving commercial greenhouse in Buffalo is now being revitalized thanks to its new owners.
  Vincent Kuntz, who bought the greenhouse back in 2004, is now remodeling it for personal use.  He originally purchased it to keep it out of landfill.  However, with the abundance of space behind the greenhouse, he has been able to rent out plots to members of the community.  
  Kuntz also collaborates with businesses in the area, like Sweetness 7, collecting compost for the greenhouse and the plots behind it.
  Connected to the greenhouse is West Side Stories, a used bookstore owned by Joe Petri.  Petri looks forward to this time of year when he gets to see the excitement that goes on behind his business.
  “It’s slowly, but surely coming along,” says Petri. 
  The greenhouse is now in its eighth year of being open.  Many renters take advantage of this space. 
  “We moved in the neighborhood about four years ago, and Vincent was renting the plots even then.  I think they are actually almost all filled,” Petri said. By Ann Hendricks and Miranda Ruckdeschel