Friday, September 13, 2024

Colleges push for students to register to vote

            In 2020 48% of people ages 18-24 voted in the presidential election, the lowest among all age groups, according to Statista.

Dr. Shyam Sriram
 Despite less than half of the age group voting, it was a 9% increase from the 2016 election and the highest turnout from this age group since 1972.

            This is because there has been a push to increase voter turnout among this age group recently. The largest push to increase turnout in this age group comes from colleges and universities.

            Locally, there is a big push from Canisius University and Buffalo State University to get students to vote.

            “Politics matter, the people you elect affect your daily life. Voting does matter if it’s only one person” said Junior Analee DeGlopper, executive vice president of the United Student Association at Canisius.

            Both Canisius and Buffalo State are pushing hard to get students registered.

            “Go out and register,” said Dr. Peter Yacobucci, associate professor at Buffalo State’s Political Science department.     

            Dr. Shyam Sriram, the program director of Canisius’s Political Science department, is focused on getting students registered to vote because many people do not know they have to. At Canisius they have been putting up registration flyers all over campus that have a QR code that leads to a registration site so students can register to vote on their phones.

            One of the biggest issues with college students is if they are going to college and live out of state, how will they be able to vote?          

            “I always tell students you should want to define your residence where you live most of the year,” Dr. Yacobucci said.

    Dr. Yacobucci on what age group votes most reliably

            This gives more voting power to the student body not just for the presidential election but also local and state elections.

            If you choose to reside in your home state, you can request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you and you can still vote in your home state.

            In New York state you must register to vote a month before the election.

            Buffalo State is having a voter registration drive on Sept. 18. The League of Women Voters will be on campus from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sept. 19 and Oct. 3.

            Canisius is pushing for students to get more involved in local and state elections.

            Canisius tried to get people to register to vote last year for local elections but with people being from all different areas it fell through; they are hoping with this year being a presidential election it would be a great opportunity to do it this year.

            “The Presidential vote is important. But I am more interested in all the down ballot votes,” Dr. Sriram said.

            Many people in this age do not vote in elections due to lack of interest or knowledge of the elections.

            “Democracy only works if the voice of the people is heard,” Dr. Yacobucci said.
if you’re not into politics just spend at least a few minutes researching the issues you care about and go out and vote said Dr. Yacobucci.

            Both Canisius and Buffalo State are expecting to have polling sites on their campus for the presidential election on Nov. 7.






Plenty of time left to visit Elmwood Village Farmers Market

Vendors at the Elmwood Village Farmers Market impact West Side residents' day-to-day lives at the dinner table with their locally grown and produced goods. The market has been open since May 11taking place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday. As the summer winds down there is still time to get to the the Farmers Market. Located on Bidwell Parkway and Elmwood Avenue officially closes up shop for the season on Nov. 23. By Evan Harrington

Music teacher sees more older students post-COVID


When he isn’t teaching instruments such as the violin, cello, viola or piano, Adam Peterson is taking the time to learn the harp as a way to broaden his musical knowledge. Lessons with Adam, 394 Baynes St., has seen an increase in people coming to learn how to play the cello because Peterson said that there are few cello teachers in the area.  Since the time that he has started teaching online during COVID, Peterson also began to notice an influx of older adults wanting to learn instruments which he was happy about. He says instruments aren't just something you’re supposed to learn at a young age to then play competitively. It can also be a fun hobby to take up whenever you want. Adam plans to continue encouraging people of all ages to learn a new instrument and is excited to continue doing some learning of his own. By Antonio Calderon

Waterway clean up continues through September

 West Side resident and magnet fisherman Michael Ludwig cleans up trash from Hoyt Lake while taking part in Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper’s Scajaquada September Solo Sweep Challenge to promote cleanup efforts of the creek and the surrounding area. More than 20 groups of volunteers have signed up to clean the Scajaquada Creek, starting in the Town of Lancaster and ending in the Niagara River. The organization also plans to host a short film festival on Oct. 5 called Freshwater Flicks, which will be taking place at Nichols Flickinger Performing Arts Center, 1250 Amherst St. Waterkeeper is looking to bring more eyes to all the events taking place and all the continued work that needs to happen on the Scajaquada Watershed.  By Caleb Babula