Monday, March 12, 2018

Black Dots may move elsewhere on Grant St.

Quinn Moore, acting manager of the West Side vinyl record store Black Dots, prepares for possible relocation as the current home is up for sale. The basement of 223 Lafayette Ave. has been the home to Black Dots since 2013, but ownership believes that moving could be beneficial to the store’s growth. “We don’t know if the new owners are going to want to kick us out or not. Either way even if they want to we are out of space here, so it wouldn’t be the worst thing,” Moore said. If the store does have to move, Moore said that the ideal location for the new home would be on Grant Street. Moore calls the area “up and coming” and would be better for Black Dots compared to moving to another location such as Elmwood Avenue. By Zachary Huk and Terrance Young